On Saturday 2nd of March, we, the Debating Club Juniors, all met at the railway station of Ludwigsburg. We got the bus to Kornwestheim and went to the school named Ernst-Sigle Gymnasium. Then we ate pretzels, cake, bananas or something else. Then David, Susheela, Finn, Eva and Emil went into the impromptu debate. This is a debate where you have 1h to prepare a debate for your side. The motion was “This house would replace traditional class tests in first and secondary schools with project-based assessments”. Unfortunately we lost that debate against Lessing Gymnasium Winnenden. Then we had a break to eat something. After that Sylvia, Maximilian and Jesse did the prepared debate against the Andreae Gymnasium Herrenberg. The motion was “This house believes that voting should be mandatory”. This debate we won. Then we had to go home and we all knew this was a great experience.

Text: Emil